The present Covid-19 crisis is easily one of the worst global crises we have seen in a long time. None of us know what to expect next. All we can do is keep our fingers crossed besides another important thing. And that’s how to formulate our reaction to deal effectively with what faces us. Though Covid-19 has caused major setbacks, remodeling companies are working to safely carry on with businesss while following safety guidelines.
I speak of this as a responsible representative of the home improvement industry who is sailing in the same boat as any other individual today. Nevertheless, I have chalked out some ideas that I feel may help all those in the remodeling business to carry on with their businesses without reeling under the pressure of the present.
1. Transparency
Any organization begins with its employees. You better take care of this aspect the best you can by maintaining an honest equation with them. In other words, if you find that your employee is showing any unusual symptoms, make it sure to keep him off the premises by giving him a leave for as long as needed. You need to play very safe at the moment and must not take any chances that you may regret later. Many remodeling companies are following safety measures with their employees as well.
Be sure to stick to the guidelines of Centre for Disease Control.
2. Be Flexible with Your Employees
Remember, your employees are a vital part of your business and deserve to be treated accordingly. Ensure that your organization works on creating sick-leave policies that do not impose any fines on your sick employees.
If any of your employees have a family member sick back home, allow them to stay with their family without penalizing them. Work from home is the way to go and that’s what the rest of the world is doing right now. Follow cue and create a similar culture where your employees can work from home, free from any risk of infection.
3. Maintain Hygiene at the Job Site
Emphasize on maintaining absolute hygiene at the job site. Make sure to equip your field crew with sanitizers, hand wipes and have a senior crew member supervise them on maintaining good hygienic practices.
Your head crew may be given the responsibility to send anyone from the crew home if they do not feel well. For that matter, even your client must inform you of any illness in the family to avoid your crew catching the infection.
The same standard needs to be maintained within the office premises as well. Make it mandatory for all your employees to wash their hands frequently and provide them with a generous supply of hand sanitizers and hand wipes. Educate your employees on the need to clean surfaces like keyboards, phones, doorknobs, workstations, and the restrooms.
4. Have an Honest Chat with Your Clients
Of course, your clients are important to you. They are the very basis of your business. That’s why you need to come clean with them. Not everyone is comfortable continuing with their ongoing projects in the present crisis. If you feel your clients want to postpone their project for a while, respect their wishes. Everyone is going through a lot right now and doing their best to stay safe in their house.
Or if they are keen to continue, make it a point to take all the needed precautions. Besides the essential dust barriers that you will be creating, allow them to create a better work set up by installing a huge fan to drive away all the dust out of the work area and the house. The arrangement will not only protect the client from the dust and grime, but will also build up invaluable trust between you and your client.
5. Refrain from Any New Expenses
Do not invest in any additional assets. Remember, this is just not the right time for it. Agreed that you have a thriving business and you don’t like things like Covid-19 slowing down your work. But trust us, it’s better to go slow and delay incurring any new additional expenses. You’re going to need every penny right now.
This brings us to the subject of your compensation which you may reduce for now at least. Ensure that you retain and pay all the good employees important for the company. You may keep a record of the money that you need to draw which you can do later when things begin to cheer up. This is an important step to keep your company going amidst the ongoing crisis.
6. Meeting Your Employees’ Needs
We all are dependent on our employees completely. After all,they are the backbone of any company. However, considering the present situation, you are not likely to attract a lot of clients for some time. What happens to the field employees under these circumstances? Of course, you can make them do various errands within the office for a while. And while they are working with you, you may think it fair enough to pay them as you’ve always been doing.
But the problem is that you don’t have the usual cash flow coming in at the moment and after a point, it becomes a burden to go on paying the regular amount. This is the time of disproportionate balance that you’re going to find tough to deal with.
However, you can fix this problem by paying your employees less than what you were paying when the workflow was normal. Since everyone in the company will be working with fewer funds at present, there is no harm in reducing the compensation that you pay to your employees in different circumstances. Remodeling companies are working around this problem, as well.
Alternatively, you can lay off your employees if you’re seriously short of cash and may advise them to apply for unemployment insurance to meet their needs.
Most good organizations follow the protocol of keeping in touch with their laid-off employees and even clients in moments of crisis. You may want your employees back when your business picks up again in the future. Stay in touch with both your employees and clients via Face Time and Zoom for any communications at home. It’s a new perspective but worth acclimatizing to for an effective future.
7. Maintain a Positive Outlook
We agree with you that there isn’t anything regular about the pandemic we’re facing today. I mean none of us has seen anything like this before. And we aren’t even sure where this is leading to and when it will end.
But does that imply that it’s over for us? I don’t think so. With the kind of awareness, people are projecting, I’m sure we’re going to win this battle. It’s just a matter of time and before we know we’ll be back on our toes ready to rock. Meanwhile, just follow the protocols, stay safe at home, and hope for the best!
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