Let’s be honest: Nothing about this coronavirus pandemic situation seems real. I mean, who would have thought a few months back that the world will suddenly come to a halt? And that too, just because of a virus! And although it feels like a scene from an apocalypse movie – it’s all VERY real. With all of this going on, companies passing hope is bringing some good to this bad situation.
All over the world, people are struggling to stay afloat in these times of uncertainty. It’s an alarming situation that we all are trying to grapple with to the best to our capacity. We all are feeling the implications of the outbreak at our level too. Globally, almost all major economies are in lockdown and have put restrictions on citizen movement. And with all that is going on, fear and uncertainty are amassing everywhere. But wait…
There’s Some Good in Every Bad
People around the world are trying to be grateful for the lessons the pandemic is teaching us. Let’s try to find the silver lining here in whatever ways we can, shall we?
Families have come together after a long time, and friends are catching up with their loved ones on Facebook, Instagram and phone with no excuse to flake on any plans. Even nature is replenishing itself. And we can all probably look back and think of this as a time to be thankful for having the small things in life: a home, food, family and friends. It truly makes you miss the small pleasures and be thankful for having them.
The Impact on Businesses is Temporary
As for the impact on the businesses worldwide, there have been repercussions that we hope they recover from as soon as things are under control. For instance, all those in the middle of different projects have been forced to put them on hold till things get better — and they will. China just opened Wuhan after a long lockdown and beaconed us towards better times. We can be certain, in due time, things will get back to normal in our hometowns too. All with a little patience.
Since we are a website that’s about “Everything Home” – it would be strange if we didn’t specifically talk about how things will get better in home improvement industry too. As far as home improvement projects are concerned, people planning to remodel their homes have been either forced to delay their plans or continue them with added precautions. It’s definitely a setback – but just like in everything else, there’s a silver lining here too. Companies passing hope is just one of the many positive outcomes.
Home Improvement Companies Passing Hope and Continue Emerging Strong Despite Covid-19
Would you call us crazy if we told you not to give up on your home remodeling project despite the ongoing Covid-19 crisis?
On the contrary, you stand to benefit from this. Some home improvement companies have come up with a few great initiatives to tackle the situation. These ideas not only revive your project but also help you save big bucks. Companies passing hope by helping with your home remodel is a great way to continue your home update safely. Let’s live out these ideas one by one.
1. Plan the Project Thoroughly with Virtual Consultation
Use this time to plan out the project carefully by weighing the pros and cons of each aspect. There’s plenty to be considered in a remodeling project. The list runs from procuring the material to the labor, and the diverse costs involved in the entire project.
Make a list with a cost breakup of the different factors that are involved in the task. If you find things going overboard, cut corners and delete unnecessary changes like moving walls or plumbing in the bathroom.
Arrange a virtual tour with any home improvement contractor to give them an idea of what you are looking for. They can virtually show you materials you are looking for as well, and you can make your decisions.
Also, you can start planning a timeline for the project. This depends on whether you find it feasible to start the project right away. The timeline will include the time to clean out the area, the shipping or delivery of the required material, and any breaks or holidays the working crew may take during the task. Keep a few days aside for unexpected delays too. But overall, you CAN do a home improvement project during this time – and there are many reasons you should. #2 explains why.
2. Avail Attractive Discounts
If you’re serious about seeing the project through, we advise you to take full advantage of the ongoing market situation. With a dearth of customers in the market at the moment, many remodelling companies are ready to offer irresistible discounts.
Say, you’re planning for a kitchen or a bathroom remodel. Obviously, you need to invest in fixtures, hardware, appliances, accessories, and so on. And all this stuff can be expensive — depending on the material, brand, etc.
For all we know, you may have already figured out the different items that you want to update. For instance, you may be wanting to go for a brand new wooden vanity or a shower enclosure or perhaps a stand-alone tub to redefine your bathroom. Besides, we won’t be surprised if your budget includes a change of counters as well. But counters are expensive and depending upon the material, they can go even higher.
In fact, even small details like cabinet handles and knobs, faucets etc. can cost a lot collectively. And when you add to these changes the collective expenditure of updating different rooms in the house – it comes out to be a huge number.
Now, you can save a lot of money on these purchases if you buy during this time. As mentioned above, many remodeling companies have come up with attractive discounts that you can make use of and get the house you’ve always wanted. This is what we call hope in midst of despair!
3. Visit Showrooms
As we just pointed out, all is not lost for all those who are keen to carry on with their remodeling plans. In case you’re worried that they may not be safe considering the dismal situation prevailing all around, we assure you that it is completely all right to enter these premises. They are in fact listed as one of the essential services in the US.
These showrooms are being disinfected daily. The staff within is asked to maintain the required distance amongst themselves and with the clients too. Only a limited number of people can enter the showroom at one time, so you can still socially distance yourself. Also, all the visitors are required to wash their hands before entering and are subjected to a body temperature check.
That being said, it is understandable that some people may be apprehensive on visiting the showrooms at the moment. To tackle this, consultations via ZOOM and Facetime are already popular as well.
Even at the job sites, many steps are being taken to ensure maximum safety for the clients as well as the crew members. They hand out hygiene maintenance tools to crew members that they are expected to use regularly. Barriers are also created between the work site and the rest of the home to maintain complete hygiene.
No doubt, these are difficult times and we all are all fervently wishing that we could put all this behind us as soon as possible. However, as long as it lasts, why not make the best out of it by taking it one step at a time? That way, we too, can emerge stronger against Covid-19.
Let’s keep passing on hope and joy!
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