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How to Install Horizontal Deck Skirting? A Complete Guide

How to Install Horizontal Deck Skirting? A Complete Guide

how to install horizontal deck skirting

Deck skirting not only enhances the appearance of your deck, but it also provides functional benefits like hiding unsightly deck components and improving airflow. Horizontal deck skirting is a popular choice because it gives the deck a modern look. In this blog post, we’ll share how to install horizontal deck skirting and things you will need to do.

Things You Will Need to Install Horizontal Deck Skirting

  • Measuring Tape: You’ll need a measuring tape to measure the distance between the deck posts and the height of the skirting.
  • Circular Saw: A circular saw will be useful in cutting the skirting boards to size.
  • Skirting Boards: Horizontal deck skirting is typically made of wood boards. You’ll need enough boards to cover the length of your deck.
  • Drill: You’ll need a drill to attach the skirting boards to the deck posts.
  • Screws: Use screws to attach the skirting boards to the deck posts.
  • Level: A level will ensure that the skirting boards are installed straight.

Ways to Install Horizontal Deck Skirting

After collecting the things to install, here is a guide on how to install horizontal deck skirting.

Measure the Space

The first step is to measure the distance between the deck posts and the height of the skirting. This will help you determine the length and number of skirting boards you’ll need.

Cut Skirting Boards

Using a circular saw, cut the skirting boards to the desired length.

Attach Skirting Boards to Posts

With the skirting boards cut to size, attach them to the deck posts using screws. Make sure the boards are level and straight.

Leave Gaps for Ventilation

It’s important to leave gaps between the skirting boards to allow for ventilation. This will prevent moisture buildup and damage to the deck.

See Also

Finish the Skirting

Once all the skirting boards are attached, sand and finish them to match the deck.

In conclusion, horizontal deck skirting can give your deck a modern look while providing functional benefits like hiding unsightly deck components and improving airflow. By following these steps and using the right tools, you can learn how to install horizontal deck skirting at your home that will last for years to come.