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Murphy Bed Cabinet: An Ingenious Space-Saving Solution

Murphy Bed Cabinet: An Ingenious Space-Saving Solution

murphy bed cabinet

If you live in a small apartment or need an extra bed for occasional guests, space can be a major concern. Enter the Murphy bed cabinet – a brilliant, space-saving solution that combines functionality with style. In this blog post, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of Murphy bed cabinets, discussing their benefits, different types, and factors to consider when choosing one.

What is a Murphy Bed Cabinet?

A Murphy bed cabinet, also known as a wall bed, is a bed that can be folded up and stored vertically inside a cabinet. Named after its inventor, William L. Murphy, this type of bed is designed to make efficient use of space without compromising on comfort. When not in use, the bed is neatly stowed away, and the cabinet can serve as a functional piece of furniture or decorative element in your room.

Benefits of a Murphy Bed Cabinet

Space-Saving: The most significant benefit of such a cabinet is its space-saving design. By storing the bed vertically, you free up floor space, making it perfect for small apartments, studios, or multi-purpose rooms.

Versatility: Many Murphy bed cabinets come with built-in features such as shelves, drawers, or a desk, providing extra storage or workspace.

Comfort: Unlike sofa beds or air mattresses, Murphy beds can accommodate a standard mattress, ensuring a comfortable sleep for you or your guests.

Aesthetic Appeal: With a variety of styles and finishes available, a Murphy bed cabinet can add to your room’s aesthetic. When closed, it looks like a regular cabinet, blending seamlessly into your decor.

Types of Murphy Bed Cabinets

Murphy bed cabinets come in a variety of styles to suit different needs and tastes.

Single/Twin: Ideal for one person, this size is perfect for children’s rooms or small apartments.

Double/Full or Queen: A larger option suitable for two people, these are perfect for guest bedrooms or multi-purpose rooms.

With Desk: This combines a bed and a workspace, making it perfect for home offices that double as guest rooms.

With Storage: These models come with additional storage features like shelves or drawers, perfect for storing bedding or other items.

Choosing a Murphy Bed Cabinet

When choosing a Murphy bed cabinet, consider the following:

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Space: Measure your room accurately, remembering to account for the bed when it’s fully extended. Ensure there’s enough space for safe and easy operation.

Use: Consider how frequently you’ll be using the bed. If it’s going to be used daily, opt for a model that’s easy to operate and can withstand regular use.

Mattress Size: Check the size of the mattress the bed can accommodate. If you already have a mattress, ensure it fits the Murphy bed cabinet.

Style: Choose a style that complements your existing décor. Murphy bed cabinets come in various finishes, from modern minimalistic to traditional wood.

Installation: Some Murphy bed cabinets can be complex to install, so consider if you can do it yourself or if you’ll need professional help.


A Murphy bed cabinet is an ingenious solution for anyone looking to save space without compromising on comfort. It offers the functionality of a full-sized bed and the convenience of freeing up floor space when not in use.