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How to Get Rid of Asian Lady Beetles?

How to Get Rid of Asian Lady Beetles?

How to Get Rid of Asian Lady Beetles

Asian lady beetles are known to be a nuisance pest and can be difficult to get rid of once they invade your home. If you’re experiencing an Asian lady beetle infestation, don’t panic – pheromone traps and DIY traps are some of the best ways to eliminate them from your living space. Keep reading to know more about how to get id of Asian lady beetles.

Identifying Asian Lady Beetles

Before we dive into the methods to get rid of Asian lady beetles, it’s important to know how to identify them. Asian lady beetles have a similar appearance to ladybugs, but they have a more elongated body and come in a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, and red. They also have a distinctive “M” or “W” marking on their head.

While they may look harmless, Asian lady beetles can release a foul-smelling liquid when threatened, and they can also bite, which can cause irritation and allergic reactions in some people.

As with any effort that comes with getting rid of unwanted pests in your home, you need to know first what you’re dealing with. Where Asian lady bettles are concerned, know that they look similar to ladybugs. The key difference is they have a more elongated body and their colors can vary from yellow, orange and red. If you look closely, you’ll see a distinct “M” or “W” marking on their head as well. 

As far as pests go, Asian lady beetles aren’t particularly dangerous. With that said, you want to avoid an infestation anyway. They can clog up vents, their bites can be painful and cause swelling, they release a foul smelling fluid and they can aggravate asthma. 

Methods to Get Rid of Asian Lady Beetles


Prevention is the best way to avoid an Asian lady beetle infestation in the first place. They are typically attracted to moisture so you can find them invading you home in areas like attics, bathrooms and kitchens. You can take several steps to prevent these pests from entering your home, including:

  • Sealing cracks and gaps in doors, windows, and walls
  • Installing screens on windows and doors
  • Using weatherstripping on doors and windows
  • Installing door sweeps on exterior doors
  • Adding a sealant to the exterior of your home


If you already have an Asian lady beetle infestation, vacuuming can be an effective way to get rid of them. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to suck up the beetles, and dispose of the vacuum bag or contents immediately afterward. Be sure to vacuum in hard-to-reach areas, such as behind furniture and in corners.


To get Asian lady beetles under control, traps are one of your best options. They are effective and non-toxic. You can also use different kinds of traps that suit your situation best. The following are trap options you can use:

Light Traps 

These traps use light to attract the beetles, and then they get stuck on a sticky surface. Light traps are an effective method for catching Asian lady beetles that are already inside your home. They can be purchased online or at your local home improvement store. Be sure to place the trap near a window or light source, and check it regularly to remove any trapped beetles.

Pheromone Traps

These traps use a chemical scent to attract the beetles, and then they get stuck on a sticky surface. Pheromone traps are also an effective method for catching Asian lady beetles that are already inside your home. They can be purchased online or at your local home improvement store. Be sure to place the trap in an area where Asian lady beetles are likely to congregate, such as near windows or doors.

DIY Traps

You can make your own trap by filling a shallow dish with soapy water and placing it near a window or light source. The beetles will be attracted to the light and fall into the water, where the soap will prevent them from escaping. You can also use sticky traps, such as flypaper, to catch Asian lady beetles. Simply hang 

the traps near windows or doors to catch the beetles as they enter your home.

When using traps, it’s important to remember a few key tips:

  • Place the traps in areas where Asian lady beetles are likely to congregate, such as near windows or doors.
  • Check the traps regularly and remove any trapped beetles.
  • Dispose of the trapped beetles in a sealed bag or container to prevent them from escaping.
  • Use gloves or a tissue to handle the trapped beetles to avoid direct contact.

While traps are an effective method for catching Asian lady beetles, they are not a long-term solution. To prevent future infestations, it’s important to take steps to seal your home and prevent the pests from entering in the first place. If you’re unsure how to use traps or need further assistance with your Asian lady beetle infestation, consider consulting with a pest control professional.


If you’ve got a severe Asian lady beetle infestation on your hand, you’ll need to take your efforts up a notch and utilize insecticides. There are insecticides specific to Asian lady beetles. Look for pyrethroids, neonicotinoids or insecticidal soap. These are formulated to work on Asian lady beetles by either paralyzing them and killing them, or breaking them down. Weigh out what type of insecticide is best for your infestation situation in accordance with members in your household. Doing so will ensure that you choose the safest and most effective option. 

Professional Pest Control

If you’re not comfortable dealing with an Asian lady beetle infestation on your own, or if the infestation is too severe for DIY methods, it’s time to call in a professional pest control company. Exterminators have the knowledge and tools to safely and effectively eliminate the pests from your home.

Asian lady beetles may look harmless, but they can be a nuisance pest if they invade your home. If you’re experiencing an infestation, prevention is the best method to avoid the problem altogether. If prevention doesn’t work, vacuuming, traps, insecticides, and professional pest control are all viable options to eliminate these pests from your living space. With a little persistence and knowledge, you can get rid of Asian lady beetles and keep your home pest-free.