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How to Cool a Garage with No Windows? Permanent and Temporary Solutions

How to Cool a Garage with No Windows? Permanent and Temporary Solutions

how to cool a garage with no windows

If you have a garage with no windows, you may have noticed that it can get quite hot in there during the summer months. Not only can this be uncomfortable, but it can also damage your stored items or equipment. Fortunately, there are ways to cool a garage with no windows. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to cool a garage with no windows and which one is the best for you.

How Much Cool Air Do You Need?

Before you start cooling your garage, it’s important to determine how much cool air you need. The amount of cool air you need will depend on the size of your garage, the temperature outside, and the equipment you have stored in your garage.

The most common way to determine how much cool air you need is to use a BTU calculator. BTU (British Thermal Units) is a unit of measurement used to describe the amount of energy required to cool a space. You can find several BTU calculators online that will help you determine the right size air conditioner for your garage.

Permanent Options for Cooling a Garage

If you want to know how to cool a garage with no windows, you can install an air conditioning unit or a mini-split system. An air conditioning unit is a popular choice for cooling a garage because it’s easy to install and doesn’t require any ductwork. However, it can be expensive to run an air conditioning unit in a garage, especially if it’s not insulated.

A mini-split system is another option for cooling a garage. This system consists of an outdoor unit that’s connected to an indoor unit via a small conduit. Mini-split systems are more efficient than air conditioning units and can be more cost-effective in the long run.

Another option for cooling a garage is to install a ventilation system. A ventilation system consists of exhaust fans that draw hot air out of the garage and replace it with cooler air from the outside. This option is more affordable than an air conditioning unit or mini-split system, but it’s not as effective at cooling the garage.

Temporary Options for Cooling a Garage

If you’re looking for a temporary solution to cool your garage, there are several options you can choose from. One of the most common temporary options is to use a portable air conditioning unit. Portable air conditioning units are easy to move around and can be used in other parts of your home when you’re not using them in your garage.

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Another temporary option is to use a swamp cooler or evaporative cooler. These coolers work by drawing in hot air from outside and passing it through a wet filter. The filter cools the air by evaporating the water, and then the cool air is circulated back into the garage. Swamp coolers are more effective in dry climates than in humid climates.

You can also use a high-velocity fan or multiple fans to circulate the air in your garage. This option is more affordable than air conditioning or a mini-split system but may not be as effective at cooling the garage.

In conclusion, there are several answers to the question “how to cool a garage with no windows”, whether you’re looking for a permanent or temporary solution. The best option for you will depend on your budget, the size of your garage, and the equipment you have stored in your garage. Remember to consider the amount of cool air you need before choosing a cooling system, and always consult a professional if you’re unsure which option is best for you.