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How Wide Should Mirror Be Over Vanity?

How Wide Should Mirror Be Over Vanity?

how wide should mirror be over vanity

When it comes to selecting a mirror for your bathroom vanity, one important consideration is the width of the mirror. The size of the mirror can greatly affect the functionality and overall look of your bathroom. In general, if you have a 36-inch vanity, a mirror that is 32-36 inches wide would be a good choice. If you have a larger vanity, such as a 60-inch vanity, you could opt for a mirror that is 55-60 inches wide. In this blog, we will discuss how wide your mirror should be over your vanity, taking into account various factors such as vanity width, sink placement, and personal preferences.

Vanity Width

One of the primary factors to consider when selecting a mirror for your vanity is the width of the vanity itself. Generally, the mirror should be no wider than the vanity, or just a few inches wider at most. This ensures that the mirror is proportional to the vanity and does not overwhelm the space.

For example, if you have a 36-inch vanity, a mirror that is 32-36 inches wide would be a good choice. If you have a larger vanity, such as a 60-inch vanity, you could opt for a mirror that is 55-60 inches wide.

Sink Placement

Another important factor to consider when selecting a mirror is the placement of your sink. If you have a single sink vanity, the mirror should be centered over the sink. If you have a double sink vanity, you could either choose one large mirror that spans the width of the entire vanity or two smaller mirrors, each centered over each sink.

If you opt for two smaller mirrors, each mirror should be no wider than the corresponding sink, or a few inches wider at most. For example, if you have two sinks that are 18 inches wide each, two mirrors that are 20 inches wide would be a good choice.

Personal Preferences

Ultimately, the size of your mirror also comes down to personal preferences and the overall look you want to achieve in your bathroom. Some people prefer a larger mirror that spans the entire width of the vanity, while others prefer smaller mirrors that are centered over each sink. Some people may also opt for a mirror that is slightly wider than the vanity to create a more dramatic look.

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rustic bathroom design

When choosing the width of your mirror, consider the overall design of your bathroom and the style of your vanity. A modern or minimalist bathroom may benefit from a sleek, narrow mirror, while a more traditional bathroom may benefit from a larger, more ornate mirror.


In conclusion, the width of your mirror over your vanity should be proportional to the size of the vanity itself, and centered over the sink(s). Personal preferences and the overall design of your bathroom may also come into play when selecting a mirror. By taking these factors into account, you can select a mirror that not only looks great but also functions well in your bathroom space.