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Diverse Preferences Among Trump and Biden Voters on Social and Political Issues: A Survey Analysis

Diverse Preferences Among Trump and Biden Voters on Social and Political Issues: A Survey Analysis

trump and biden voters

In a revealing survey conducted by Redfin and executed by Qualtrics in February 2024, distinct preferences among Trump and Biden voters were highlighted, concerning various social and political issues.

The study surveyed 2,995 U.S. homeowners and renters to assess their willingness to live in areas characterized by specific legislative and social conditions.

Voter Preferences on Abortion Laws

The survey revealed that approximately 17.6% of respondents who intend to vote for Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election prefer living in areas where abortion is legal.

Contrastingly, a higher percentage, 58.4%, of Biden supporters expressed a preference for residing in places where abortion is legal. This highlights a significant difference in priority concerning reproductive rights between the two voter groups.

trump and biden voters
Image credit: Redfin

LGBTQ Rights and Racial Diversity

The survey further explored areas such as LGBTQ rights and racial diversity. About 24.3% of Trump voters and a much larger 58% of Biden voters expressed a preference to live in areas that ensure equality based on gender or sexual orientation.

Additionally, 25.8% of Trump voters showed a preference for living in racially diverse communities, a sentiment shared more broadly among Biden voters at 59.6%.

Perspectives on Gender Affirming Care and Gun Control

A stark contrast is seen in the attitudes toward gender-affirming care for children, with 71.5% of Biden voters preferring to live where such care is fully legal, compared to only 28.7% of Trump voters.

On gun control, 64% of Trump voters do not wish to reside in areas with strict gun laws, which sharply contrasts with only 20% of Biden voters sharing this sentiment.

Voting Methods and Drug Policies

Preferences on voting methods also differed notably, with 52.3% of Trump voters opposed to living in places with easy access to mail-in voting. In comparison, 45% of Biden voters prefer it.

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Recreational marijuana legality is another divisive topic, with 53% of Trump voters against living in areas where it is legal, while 47% of Biden voters are in favor.

Comprehensive Survey Table

The following table provides a detailed breakdown of preferences among likely Trump and Biden voters, as well as the overall participant pool:

Characteristic Preference Likely Trump Voters (%) Likely Biden Voters (%) Overall (%)
Legal Abortion Want to 18 58 37
Don’t want to 35 9 22
Strong Gun Control Laws Want to 12 36 22
Don’t want to 64 20 42
Equality Based on Gender/Sexual Orientation Want to 24 58 39
Don’t want to 15 6 10
Gender Affirming Care Want to 29 72 48
Don’t want to 35 6 20
Discussion of LGBTQ Topics in Schools Want to 20 57 37
Don’t want to 29 8 18
Easy Access to Mail-in Voting Want to 13 45 26
Don’t want to 52 11 31
Legal Recreational Cannabis Want to 12 47 26
Don’t want to 53 12 32
Racial Diversity Want to 26 60 41
Don’t want to 21 5 12

Methodology Insight

The survey was designed to be nationally representative, targeting U.S. homeowners and renters. Respondents were asked to rate their willingness to live in places characterized by various legislative and social conditions, providing a snapshot of the diverse preferences across the voter spectrum.

This detailed analysis underscores the complex mosaic of political and social preferences that define the American electoral landscape. As the upcoming presidential election approaches, these insights could prove crucial in understanding the motivations and concerns of the electorate.