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How to Get Rid of Moths from Closet?

How to Get Rid of Moths from Closet?

getting rod of the moths in closet

7 ways to get rid of moths from your closet:

1. Clean your closet thoroughly:

This step is crucial in getting rid of moths from your closet. Vacuum and wipe down surfaces to remove any food or sweat residue that may be attracting moths. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the walls, shelves and any other surfaces in the closet. Make sure to also clean the floor, baseboards, and the back of the closet door. Also, consider using a mild detergent to ensure a deep clean.

2. Use mothballs or sachets filled with moth-repelling herbs:

Mothballs are small balls made of naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene, which release fumes that moths find repellent. You can place them in your closet or hang them on hangers. Sachets filled with moth-repelling herbs like lavender, cedar, peppermint or eucalyptus can also be hung in the closet.

3. Use a pesticide specifically designed for moths:

You can purchase pesticides specifically designed for moths at most home improvement or hardware stores. These pesticides often come in the form of sprays or powders that you can use to treat surfaces and fabrics in your closet. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using these products.

4. Keep your closet well-ventilated:

Moths thrive in warm, humid conditions, so it’s important to keep your closet well-ventilated to reduce humidity and make it less hospitable to moths. This can be done by opening windows, using a fan, or installing a vent in the closet.

5. Inspect any clothing or fabrics before storing them in your closet:

Before storing clothes or fabrics in your closet, inspect them for signs of moths, such as webbing, cocoons, or adult moths. If you spot any of these, take action immediately to eliminate the problem.

6. Store your clothes, especially woolens and cashmeres, in airtight container or bags:

Airtight containers or bags can prevent moths from laying eggs and nesting in your clothes. This is especially important for woolens and cashmeres, which moths find particularly attractive.

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7. Use a UV light trap: These are electronic traps that use UV lights to lure and capture moths.

The traps are available in hardware stores, and can be placed in the closet to help reduce the population of adult moths.

It’s important to note that you may need to repeat these steps a few times to completely get rid of the moths. And if the infestation is severe, it may be best to call a professional exterminator for help.