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Why My Shower Drain Smells Like Rotten Eggs?

Why My Shower Drain Smells Like Rotten Eggs?

shower drain smells like rotten eggs

Have you ever stepped into a hot shower and  ask yourself why my shower drain smells like rotten eggs?

This unwelcome smell can be concerning and even embarrassing, but rest assured, it’s a common issue that many homeowners face.

Let’s delve into the possible causes behind the foul odor emanating from your shower drain and provide solutions to help you enjoy a fresh and clean shower experience.


Causes Shower Drain Smelling Like Rotten Eggs


Hydrogen Sulfide Gas

The unmistakable smell of rotten eggs is often attributed to hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S), which is a byproduct of decomposing organic matter.

Here are the some factors might cause the H2S in the shower:

1. Bacterial action

H2S gas is produced when naturally occurring bacteria break down organic materials, such as hair, soap scum, and dead skin cells. These materials can accumulate in your shower drain and provide a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to the production of hydrogen sulfide gas and the subsequent rotten egg smell.

2. Sulfate-reducing bacteria

These bacteria thrive in wet and oxygen-deprived environments, like the insides of drain pipes.

They break down sulfate ions found in soaps, shampoos, and other personal care products which generates hydrogen sulfide gas as a byproduct.

3. Dry P-trap Causes Shower Drain Smells Like Rotten Eggs

The P-trap is a U-shaped pipe that holds water, creating a barrier between your bathroom and the sewer system. If the P-trap dries out, it allows sewer gases, including H2S, to enter your bathroom through the shower drain, causing the rotten egg odor.

Water Heater Issues Causes Shower Drain Smells Like Rotten Eggs

If the rotten egg smell is only present when using hot water, the issue could be with your water heater. Sulfate-reducing bacteria can grow inside the water heater, breaking down sulfates present in the water supply and releasing hydrogen sulfide gas. This problem is more common in water heaters that are not regularly maintained or are set to a low temperature.

Contaminated Water Supply Causes Shower Drain Smells Like Rotten Eggs

In rare cases, the water supply itself may be contaminated with hydrogen sulfide gas or other impurities, causing the rotten egg smell. This issue is more prevalent in homes with well water or private water systems, and it may require professional help to resolve.

Anode Rod Reaction Causes Shower Drain Smells Like Rotten Eggs

Anode rod reactions can also cause the rotten egg smell in shower drains. The anode rod, which usually made of magnesium or aluminum, is in water heaters to prevent corrosion.

However, the rod can react with sulfate ions in water, fostering the growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria. These bacteria produce hydrogen sulfide gas, leading to the unpleasant rotten egg odor.

Replacing the anode rod with an alternative material, like powered or zinc-alloy anodes, may help alleviate the problem.


How to Eliminate Shower Drain Smells Like Rotten Eggs


Regular Cleaning

To prevent organic matter buildup in your shower drain, clean it regularly by removing hair and debris.

Use a drain cleaner specifically designed for bathroom drains and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Be cautious with chemical drain cleaners, as they can damage pipes and fixtures if not used correctly.

See Also
slow shower drain

Baking Soda and Vinegar

Pour half a cup of baking soda and  one cup of white vinegar down the drain, which will create a foaming reaction that helps break down organic matter and kill bacteria.

After 15-20 minutes, flush the drain with hot water.

Addressing the P-trap Issue

If your P-trap is dry, then pour a few cups of water down the drain to refill it. This will restore the water barrier and prevent sewer gases from entering your bathroom. If the problem persists, consider consulting a plumber to inspect the P-trap and identify any underlying issues.

Water Heater Maintenance

Flush your water heater regularly to remove sediment and bacteria buildup.

You may also consider increasing the water heater’s temperature to 140°F (60°C) for a short period to kill bacteria. Remember to exercise caution, as water at this temperature can cause scalding. Alternatively, consult a professional plumber for assistance.

Seek Professional Help

If the rotten egg smell persists after trying these solutions, it may be time to seek professional help.

A licensed plumber can inspect your plumbing system, identify the root cause of the odor, and recommend appropriate solutions.

In the case of a contaminated water supply, a water treatment specialist may be needed to assess the quality of your water and suggest appropriate filtration or treatment methods.


A shower drain that smells like rotten eggs can be an unwelcome and unpleasant issue. However, understanding the potential causes behind this odor, such as hydrogen sulfide gas production, water heater issues, or contaminated water supply, can help you find the appropriate solution. Regular cleaning, using baking soda and vinegar, addressing P-trap issues, and maintaining your water heater are all steps you can take to eliminate the rotten egg smell from your shower drain. If these measures prove unsuccessful, don’t hesitate to seek the help of a professional plumber or water treatment specialist to restore the freshness and cleanliness of your shower.